Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Only Child


Those parking lot geese were raising quite a ruckus Sunday morning so I went out to see what all the noise was about.  I think they were announcing the arrival of this years babies.  Only there was only one this time.  

Even though there was only one little gosling, they were still proudly marching it around all the pathways in the complex.  

They seemed to be very proud of this little guy!


  1. They will aggressively protect the little one.

  2. It will be spoiled with attention, Sharon. ;-)

  3. Oh, no...about a week ago you posted about 8 ducklings. Nature is so beautiful but has its harsh moments.

  4. What a beautiful capture, Sharon!! : )

  5. Adorable! Sad to see only one baby, life is tough for the little ones in the wild.

  6. Well I'm glad one was hatched, and let's hope he makes it to maturity.
