Sunday, April 21, 2024

That Bottle Brush Tree


I drove past that bottle brush tree that I like to photograph every year and was happy to find it full of those wonderful brush-like blooms.  

I took all these photos with the telephoto lens from across the street so I was surprised to see that I had captured a bee on that one bloom.

However, the tree was looking a bit shaggy these days.  It looks like it might have lost some branches toward the top.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns.  Have you ever heard of the Fourth Plinth?


  1. You can buy them as pot plants here. Good use of the zoom lens.

  2. That is an old tree, those start out as a nice shrub. Very pretty, and a great lens.

  3. I don't think they're particularly strong trees, so I wouldn't be surprised it's lost some branches. (Hopefully not on top of the house!)

  4. I love the brushes, Sharon. I hope the tree is still healthy.

  5. What a happy experience! Thanks for sharing it with us dear. Aloha
