Wednesday, April 17, 2024

And Then There Were Eight


The flowers weren't the only thing I enjoyed seeing at the Japanese Friendship Garden last weekend.  I spotted a very proud momma duck showing off her tiny brood of ducklings.  Here she is teaching them a bit of rock climbing.  I see six little ones in this shot.

After climbing the rocks, she shows them how to cool off in the grass.  Now I could see seven little babies gathering around momma in the cool spot.  

Finally she decides to cross the path and head toward the water.  Now I can clearly see that she had eight little ducklings following her lead.  

This little encounter with the duck family was just an added bonus to a sunny walk at the Japanese Friendship Garden.  


  1. Out cycling in the near Winter weather today I had to stop as a duck couple were walking in the middke of the road before deciding which way to go!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How wonderful, Sharon. I can only imagine all the "peep" sounds.

  4. Such recent hatchlings, I hope she is well protected from predators.

  5. awww so cute, that's a big family.

  6. This reminds me of the story, Make Way for Ducklings, and also the bronze statues of them in the Boston Commons.
