Thursday, March 7, 2024

Saguaro Cactus Gardens


I was in Scottsdale last weekend and made a stop at the Western Spirit Museum.  On the walkway behind the museum are two patches where saguaro cacti have been planted in even rows.  This patch is framed by the condos on the left and the museum wall on the right.

This patch is just a few feet away and is lined up against the museum.  To the right you might be able to see a pile of dirt.  That's the beginnings of the work to expand the museum building.  The museum has just started a project to build a new addition to the museum.


  1. These cacti are looking sleek

  2. Nice shots, Sharon. I like the look of the museum building.

  3. Native plants, in orderly rows.

  4. I remember the first time I saw a saguaro. It had a few arms reaching to the sky. Very cool for a midwestern kid.

  5. I have never seen so many together.

  6. Don't saguaros take a very long time to grow? I wonder how long ago this garden was planted?
