Thursday, March 14, 2024

Guarding the Art


When I went to the Phoenix Art Museum last Friday afternoon, I discovered an exhibit that was "curated" by a group of art museum employees.  They spent a year working on the project and selecting artworks from the museum vaults that represent the diversity of the staff members and their collective interests in learning.  The works in the exhibit were as diverse as the people who selected them. Here are just a few that I saw.

I think the one above was my favorite.  I don't recall ever seeing this painting before.  It is by Paul Pletka and it's called Woman with Jar.  It was selected by Destiny, a gallery attendant.  

This painting is by Ed Mell, a well known local artist who passed away just last month.  It's called Sweeping Clouds and it was selected by Juan Jose, a gallery attendant.

These two pieces are the work of Michael Cajero and the two together are called Defend Yourself, Cabron.  These two characters were created with gift wrap and wire. The piece was selected by Savaughna, also a gallery attendant.  

I loved the idea behind letting staff members choose the pieces of art and while choosing them learn about all the aspects of planning and designing an exhibition.  What a great opportunity.  


  1. What a wonderful idea for an exhibit. Your first photo caught my eye. My parents had a pot similar to the one in that piece of art and now it's with my sister.

  2. I love the idea, no degrees in art history are needed to select pieces that mean something.

  3. I really like that 2nd painting. That is a great idea for an exhibit, Sharon.

  4. Wonderful exhibit. I really like both the paintings.

  5. I am really drawn to the first image

  6. The sculptures are incredible!

  7. That IS a great idea! They're all imaginative works, but I particularly like Ed Mell's landscape.

  8. I really like the bottom 2 ones, they are weird looking but I like weird.
