Saturday, March 16, 2024

Celebration of Fine Art 2024


Last Saturday, I made the long trek out to far north Scottsdale to attend the Celebration of Fine Art.  There are two of these huge art shows out in the north desert.  Last year I went to the one even further north but this year I went back to the one I usually attend.  These shows run from January through March and it's an opportunity to meet with the artists and for them it's an opportunity to sell their works.

The artist above is Beth Zink.  I saw the woman to the left taking her photo so I took the opportunity to get them both in the scene.  Beth works with acrylic paint and as you can see, she paints a lot of desert plants and scenes. I'm sure she gets inspiration from around her home in Cave Creek Arizona.

This exhibit was new to me.  I hadn't seen this artist at the show before.  Veronica and Gabriel work in the fine art of "Repousse".  Here is a quote describing that type of art from their website.

Repousse refers to a metalworking technique in which a malleable metal is shaped by hammering from the reverse side to create a design in low relief.  This technique is very ancient and has been extensively used all over the world, as they require only the simplest tools and materials, and yet allow a great diversity of expression.

I think this artist was also new to the event. This is an acrylic painting by Ray Tigerman from Tubac Arizona.  Tubac is an artistically inclined town south of Tucson and near the border with Mexico.  His pieces all had a Native American look to them. Tomorrow, I'll show you some more art from the show.


  1. ArtOMatic is back running here in DC.
    The venue is an empty office building, and all artists are invited to display and sell works.

  2. I really like the work of the 1sy artist, Sharon.

  3. You share so much beautiful art from your area. Thank you!

  4. The Indian portrait is looking good!

  5. A fabulous exhibition. It is really amazing how many talented people there are, all gifting us with unique works.
