Saturday, February 10, 2024

Some Unusual Sightings


I saw this tall dog enjoying the view from this convertible recently.  When I was first driving up behind this car, I thought the dog was driving.  Silly me!

I saw this portrait of the Queen on a car window.  Do you think the owner is a fan of British royalty or maybe just a fan of the queen?  

When I was in downtown Phoenix for an event one evening, I passed by the lobby of one of the high-rise office buildings and saw this little tableau.  I wonder what that was all about.  


  1. There is a giant panda in the back seat of my little car. It is hard to believe the BMW is old enough to be a historic vehicle.

  2. All three are great catches, Sharon. I can't pick a favourite.

  3. Love the dog in the car! Well, I love all of these pics, actually. At first I thought the animals in the bottom shot were rabbits, but I guess they're long-eared dogs?
