Thursday, February 15, 2024

Appealing Symmetry


I love the symmetry of long passageways so I tend to snap photos whenever I see one I like.  So I thought I'd share a few of them.  This one was taken at a resort in Scottsdale.

Above is the lobby of a medical building.

To the left is the long walkway at one side of the Heard Museum.

This last one is the lobby of a hotel in downtown Phoenix.  This building used to be a bank building many years ago.  


  1. Great eye for these. Hotel corridors often work really well.

  2. Very cool, over at Flickr I am a member of the Vanishing Points group where we post photos like these.

  3. I love symmetry and following the line to where it takes your eye.

  4. Something about symmetry is pleasing to the eye. I love the photo of the arches with the repeating shadows!

  5. The top one and the third one are especially striking -- the shadows in that third one work really well.

  6. I do like these photos, each one is like a different time zone of architecture.
