Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Day View / Night View


While I was at Park Central a week ago, I took another photo of the Bank of America building that sits at one end of the complex.  

Then a few days later, I was in the area at night so I stopped to get another photo.  I guess I hadn't been down Central Avenue at night in a while.  I had no idea that white trim on the B of A building lit up at night.  

I also snapped a photo of the little park-like area in front of the Creighton University building.  The trees there are wired with lights.

In the day time, it's just a shady spot to enjoy.


  1. I think the building is at night much nicer to look at.

  2. The night views are quite lovely, Sharon. I don't seem to be out and about in the dark very often anymore.

  3. We should take more photos at night.

  4. How funny -- I'm planning a day/night post myself. I like the trim on that building.
