Sunday, December 24, 2023

Up on the Housetop, Click, Click, Click


I spotted this fellow high up on the roof of a building and I immediately thought of that old song about Santa Clause and his reindeer landing on the roof of homes to deliver all those presents to good little girls and boys.

I'm pretty sure the lyrics "click, click, click" are referring to the reindeer hooves on the roof.  However, in this case that click, click, click was me taking photos of the jolly fellow.


  1. Santa looks very cheery. Merry Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas and many happy clicks in the year to come

  3. Ho Ho Ho. He looks like he is enjoying himself, Sharon.

  4. I haven't thought of that song in years. Doesn't "click" seem like an unlikely word to describe hooves on a roof? More like "clunk" or "clomp" -- but then, those don't rhyme with "Nick"!

  5. Festive old Santa watching those down below.

  6. How delightful to spot that fellow on the roof, triggering thoughts of Santa Claus and his reindeer delivering presents to excited little ones! The magic of the holiday season is truly in the air. May your Christmas be filled with joy, warmth, and the spirit of giving.

    Visit for more holiday magic and cheer!

  7. He stands out well against that blue sky.
