Thursday, December 21, 2023

Three More Garden Trees


These two trees have a more traditional look to them.  In fact, they look like a tree you  might see in someone's home.  Since these were real pine trees, they sent up that wonderful pine-tree scent.  I love that smell.

Around the corner from the two trees above, is this brilliant poinsettia tree.  Creating a poinsettia tree for this spot has become a tradition at the garden.  It adds a gorgeous splash of color to this little corner of the garden.  


  1. The top photo is how most Swedish "julgranar" looks.

  2. I love the flower tree but nothing beats the traditional pine tree, Sharon. Nice post today. ;-)

  3. I can see why poinsettias are so popular for Christmas. It's hard to beat that color!

  4. Those trees in someone's home would involve raising the roof, I'd think. But then isn't raising the roof what one days on this Solstice Day?

  5. Beautiful and festive! Never seen a poinsettia tree before. Happy Holidays!!

  6. I've only seen poinsettia trees done inside here.
