Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Silly iPhone Photos


It's time to unload some more random iPhone photos.  This sign gave me an uncomfortable feeling.  Something about it just didn't seem right.  Why are those abstract runners heading in the opposite direction of the arrows.  I finally figured it out.  The runners are the trademark for a fitness center located on the back side of the shopping center. The arrows are pointing toward the center.  

I mentioned a few months ago that the office where I work has been undergoing some remodeling.  Consequently, I only go into the office once or twice a week.  When I do go in, this is the space where I land.  Look at how narrow that desk is.  It's probably an age thing, but I could certainly use a little more space.

Here is some political graffiti that a friend texted to me.  Great name for this group.

I saw these unusual tissue boxes on an office window recently.  Apparently the manufacturer of this brand of tissue has a good sense of humor.


  1. The sign is weird. I do spread out a bit on a desk top.

  2. This is a nice assortment of things, Sharon. Great musical group.

  3. Nic variety, Sharon. Like the name of the band, it's appropriate.

  4. That's a great collection of funny art.

  5. That sign evokes a different kind of uncomfortable for me.

  6. Love the tissues! Is that street art in London? I think I might have seen it...
