Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Theme Day: My Favorite Place in Town


This was a very easy theme for me and I have thousands of photos to prove it.  The Desert Botanical Garden is decidedly my favorite place to walk and enjoy nature.  I spend a lot of time there.  And, those Chihuly glass sculptures at the entrance are a great way to greet all visitors.  

To see more favorite spots around the globe, click here. 


  1. Always fun to see your photos from there.

  2. I knew were you were at a glance.

  3. I could have guessed you'd choose the DBG! I always like your photos from there.

  4. I though that this would be your choice too. I always enjoy your shots from there, Sharon.

  5. Your images from there are always a pleasure to see. The perfect choice for you.

  6. I don't have that big of an area of cacti but I do have a number of succulents in the garden. I just finished brining in many of them for the winter, especially those from South Africa. Such interesting plants. Thanks for the photo reminding me of my time in Phoenix.

  7. Is so good to visit this kind of parks, in or near the cities, with a recreation of Woods, and plants, that gives a good feeling to the people that are walking inside.

  8. Very nice desert botanical garden

  9. I suspected that would be it. : )

  10. I can see why it's your favourite place.
