Thursday, November 16, 2023

Pampas Grass


I spotted this very large pampas grass plant in a side yard of a local house and I decided to stop and get a photo....or two.  I haven't seen a lot of pampas grass lately so this one surprised me.

Many years ago, I cut some of the stalks and used them to decorate my living room.  They stood in a tall vase that I had purchased in Mexico.  

I wondered why I don't see these plants very often so I did a Google search.  I guess it's considered an invasive plant and is in fact banned in Hawaii and New Zealand.  That must be why there are so few of these plants around these days.  This one appeared to be contained in the yard.  


  1. We sometimes used it as an ornamental in Florida, I wonder if it seeds like dandelions?

  2. I think I saw a fair amount of it around here in the summer. There are so many different grasses around now.

  3. We've seen some of this grass in people's gardens a couple of years ago.

  4. Pampas grass plant is something I used to play with at a young age in Asia

  5. There used to be a lot of pampas grass here, having seen your post I realise I have not seen any for a very long time. I do love this plant.

  6. I remember people using dried pampas grass in arrangements!
