Saturday, November 11, 2023

Palm Tree Planting


On Thursday morning, I heard a lot of noise outside and when I looked, I discovered a truck with a load of palm trees on it sitting in the parking lot below me.

That top photo isn't the best but you get the idea.  They unloaded six palm trees and lined them up against the wall.

At lunch time, I walked down the street to get some lunch and when I got back They had one of the trees standing up.

By the end of the day, they were all up and looking good.  

They started work at the front of the complex for a new landscape before I left for vacation.  It's mostly been a lot of digging and removing one wall.  I think it's starting to take shape now.  


  1. That will look very nice in a few months later.

  2. This is going to be a nice addition to the area, Sharon.

  3. expect increased bird visits -

  4. They will add their beauty to the area.

  5. It's nice they're putting in big, mature trees instead of little spindly ones.

  6. There's always room for more trees.
