Friday, November 24, 2023

Getting an Early Start


I saw this small tree in the parking lot of a grocery store and its beautiful fall color beckoned me to take a photo.  I think one or two people who saw me, wondered what I was doing. 

It's a little early for our trees to be turning but it looks like this one didn't get the message.  

It might be just a little tree but it's putting on a beautiful fall show.


  1. I agree with you. It's putting on a beautiful fall show.

  2. There's always one in the crowd!

  3. How could they wonder what you were doing, with such an obviously beautiful tree on the other end of your lens? Oh well, no matter -- I get those looks a lot.

  4. The tree is taking over the spotlight.

  5. I saw an entire row of golden trees the other day but couldn't stop to photograph them. I'm letting down on my job.
