Friday, October 20, 2023

New Discoveries of Old Things


I failed to set an alarm the night before so I slept embarrassingly late on Friday morning.  I felt like I had wasted a half a day but at least I got caught up on my sleep.  I decided to head to the closest museum to me which is the British Museum.  I've been here many times before and there are still things to discover.  I found the galleries I hadn't been to and saw this Ancient Greek temple. 

I rounded a corner and actually uttered a "wow" when I saw this massive statue.  Actually, there were two of them framing this gallery.  

After I left the museum, I did some more walking.  A bit of sun came out and drew me to this building.  I wondered what it was so off I went in that direction to find out.  It turns out it houses a hotel.

I entered the courtyard of the hotel and made another discovery, what looked like an ancient wall.  The gentleman all the way to the right in the photo gave me a tour.  It seems this is a promotional piece sponsored by Macallan all the way from Scotland.  

He said the little garden will be up for two weeks and then all the plants which came from Scotland will be removed and taken to a new location.  I loved the pretty pink heather.  As I said yesterday, there is always something new to discover.


  1. Keep exploring and take us along...

  2. Jetlag is often so hard to adjust. The museum looks very good

  3. Thanks for taking us along and sharing your delightful discoveries!

  4. Thank you for taking us along on a virtual tour. I miss London.

  5. That museum is always a thrilling place to visit.

  6. Yes, I remember those immense Sumerian (I think?) statues. Remarkable! How strange to bring a Scottish stone wall all the way to London.

  7. The statue is incredible and the stone wall is amazing to see.
