Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Architectural Observations


When I was downtown for the symphony last Saturday evening, I took the opportunity to snap a few shots of the buildings surrounding symphony hall.

Symphony Hall is situated right in the center of all the convention center buildings which are more modern architecturally.  

This is my favorite shot because it includes new, old and even older.  We can see a tall glass building in the background that has been there for about 45 years, the steeple for St. Mary's Basilica which has been there since 1902 and the newest convention center building from 1985.

These last two shots are just two more views.  All of these were taken from the deck at Symphony Hall.  I love being surrounded by all these interesting buildings.


  1. Great architecture in a relatively young city.

  2. The blend of really old, old, and new is a story in itself. Love all the lines in the second photo.

  3. I really like the 1st shot too, Sharon.

  4. That first photo is surreal, with all those interesting angles!

  5. The first photo is my favorite and I love the composition.
