Sunday, September 10, 2023

My Next Museum Visit


Last Sunday, I made a stop at the Heard Museum to see a brand new exhibit that had just opened.  The title of the exhibit is in the above photo and it contains indigenous art from Canada.  The artworks range from 18th century ceremonial regalia to contemporary works by well known and respected indigenous artists.

One of those well-known artists is Kent Monkman whose work is legendary in the contemporary indigenous art world.  I saw this painting once before when it appeared in an exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum several years ago.  It's called "Wedding at Sodom".  Monkman is a brilliant artist whose provocative works explore historic and contemporary indigenous experiences creating new and thought-provoking realities.  

This colorful painting also caught my eye.  I simply love it.  The artist is Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun and he calls this work "New Climate Landscape".  He says the title "refers to a change in social climate rather than the literal climate.  So this is not a look into the past, but rather to a new future."  

Another excellent exhibit at the Heard Museum.  I'm sure I'll return for another visit before it is gone.

P.S. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes!


  1. I like both of these works, Sharon. The Mcmichael Gallery is a wonderful place both for its collection and for its location.

  2. My favourite is the second one, very colourful.

  3. Both of those paintings are terrific. I love the "Wedding at Sodom." There's so much going on! So many questions!
