Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Walking in Sunshine & Enjoying Art


I drove into Laguna Beach yesterday and took a long walk along Heisler Park.  It's a place with a trail on top of the cliff and looking down on the beaches below.  It's a great place to walk.

I managed to capture a few surfers in this shot.

I walked to the Laguna Beach Art Museum where they were having a beautiful exhibit of paintings by Joseph Kleitsch.  He was an Hungarian born artist who immigrated to the US in 1902 and made his way to Laguna Beach where he joined the growing arts enclave.  

To the left is a self portrait of the Artist.

And, this is a portrait of his American born wife.

He became well known for his portraits but he also did beautiful landscapes and still life.  He led an interesting life creating art in California as well as in Europe.  

The day ended with a rather spectacular sunset with the sun slipping quietly into the ocean.  So it was a whole day of art, nature's art and human art.


  1. The coastal water is so refreshing! The sunset image is stunning too.

  2. Sounds wonderful, it would be a nice place to live - after we win the power-ball.

  3. This whole post is beautiful, Sharon.

  4. What an amazing sunset! And that artist looks quite accomplished, based on just those two paintings.

  5. Nice post, Sharon. The sunset is stunning.

  6. What a blessed day! Thank you for sharing it with us. Aloha!

  7. That was a great day, indeed.
    The last pic is fabulous.
