Tuesday, August 15, 2023

California Flora


Since I still can't visit the Desert Botanical Garden, I thought I'd share a few photos of some of the vegetation I found interesting while I was in California.  I'll start with the two-headed bird of paradise.  I love seeing all the bird of paradise blooms when I'm visiting California but I have to admit, I've never seen one shaped like this.

Another plant I saw was this rather scraggly shrub with hardly any leaves but lots of be brilliant flowers.  

Another one I liked was a tree that has these pretty puff balls on it.  I saw lots of these around the area.

There were lots of the pretty blooms in the above photo scattered around the resort.

Also around the resort grounds were several of these dragon trees.  

There were lots of pretty plants to admire.  


  1. Great flowers, a few more weeks and it will start to cool off.

  2. Bird of Paradise always makes me feel like I am on a holiday. So does Hibiscus.

  3. That dragon tree plant is very interesting. I don't think I've ever seen one.

  4. Love the last shot of the tree!

  5. Love the birds of paradise, they grow really well in coastal areas here and the agapanthus as pretty as it is, is classed as a pest here because it self seeds everywhere

  6. I've never seen a two-headed bird of paradise. What a great find! I think the purple puffball is a type of bottle brush, and the lily-like "pretty blooms" are agapanthus, I believe.
