Monday, July 24, 2023

Not Much Help


I stopped at Biltmore Fashion Park shopping center on Saturday to pick up a few things.  They had the misters going full blast as you can see in the photos.  It didn't help much.  When the temperatures rise above 115, there isn't much relief.  

I parked in the covered parking and walked through a store to get to where I wanted to go, so I spent as little time as possible outside.  

We desert people are used to high temperatures but this current "heat dome" is testing us in many ways.  


  1. Looks extreme heat everywhere. That place would be like a giant oven.

  2. It's hot here but not as hot as your heat.

  3. Kind of like winter in the mid-west, stay inside as much as possible.

  4. I can't imagine those kind of temperatures, Sharon. Stay safe.

  5. Wow, very hot! We never got that high a temperature in Perth! Sadly even in Europe many countries are suffering with the extreme heat and fires.

  6. I've only seen misters used here once.

  7. 115?!! 46 C.
    I would have stayed at home. Heat waves make me anxious. : )

  8. That is taking heat to the extreme. Stay cool and safe.

  9. Having spent 15 years in Phoenix I know what you mean. Thank goodness for air conditioning and swimming pools!

  10. I am not looking forward to summer, I understand how testing the heat can be.

  11. No doubt you would get use to the temperatures if you lived there your whole life, do you get a dry heat there?

  12. Above 115 Wow, I can't wrap my head around that - Yikes!

  13. I bet the misting helps the landscaping, though!
