Saturday, July 8, 2023

Gallery Visit

I stopped at a gallery in Scottsdale that I had never visited before and I found a few interesting pieces of art to share with you all.  Above is a sculpture by Ed Mell, a very well known artist who happens to live in Paradise Valley.  It's called Toro de Yerma.  

Another artist I know very will created this statue.  It was made by Doug Hyde, a Native American artist whose work I've seen many times at the Heard Museum.  

If you look at the background in the top photo on the left-hand side you will see a wine-glass shaped container that is full of these very colorful glass orbs.  They caught my eye.

Another piece that caught my eye was this ceramic piece by Annette Corcoran.  It's called "King Crow".  I'm not sue what about it appeals to me so much, maybe just because I like birds.

It was fun to see the works of artists I know well along with some works from artists I hadn't heard of before.  The gallery had a  wide range of artistic works.