Friday, July 14, 2023



I recently turned down a street lined with some cute little houses and the word "bungalow" popped into my head.  So I got to thinking; what is a bungalow anyway.  I looked the word up and learned that the name is derived from Bengal and the word 'Bangla' meaning a house in the Bengal style.  I had no idea the word had foreign roots.

The word bungalow is used to describe a small house, typically one story similar to a cottage.  The houses on this street fit that description perfectly.

However, this tree construction can't be called a bungalow.  It is definitely a treehouse and a rather fine one at that.


  1. A lot to choose, they all look very nice.

  2. I grew up in a bungalow but not as fancy as these ones. ⎦˚◡˚⎣

  3. I've always associated it as a one story house.

  4. That is a lot of tree house.

  5. Love the tree house, as it has the best view.

  6. Nice bungalows. Like the tree house as well, but wouldn't go up there.

  7. Wow! That is a pretty impressive tree house. Don't bungalows also have front porches as a rule? I thought that was part of the definition too, but I might be making that up.

  8. The bungalows are very attractive. I wnder if anyone uses the tree house, I like it.

  9. The little bungalows are cute, Sharon. That is the tallest tree house I've seen.

  10. Wow! We need more photos of that tree house. I have a friend who, many years ago, owned a small house just a block or two west of Encanto Park. I envied him for the house and the neighborhood.

  11. They remind me the period in 1920s?

  12. I like those, very neat and tidy.
