Tuesday, July 11, 2023

15 Years of Blogging


Phoenix Daily Photo blog turns 15 years old today.  When I started this blog on this day back in 2008, I had no idea that I'd still be doing it 15 years later.  What can I say, I love doing it.  It has never become a burden or chore.  I love taking photos and I love sharing those photos with others.  And, I truly enjoy reading your comments and seeing the photos you all post and learning about other places and adventures around the world.   I'll mark this milestone and keep on blogging as long as I can!

About this photo: I started this blog with a photo of the Arizona State Capitol.  Rather than repeating with a photo of that building, I decided to zoom in on the "Winged Victory" weather vane at the top of the building.  It has been perched up there since 1901 however, the Arizona Territory purchased it in 1898 when construction of the building first began.  It cost $150 and is actually a 17-foot-tall, 600 pound wind vane.  She's looking pretty good for her age!


  1. Looking forward to many more years of blogging.
    She looks pretty good!

  2. Congratulations with this milestone, keep going!

  3. Happy Anniversary! 15 years if a long time and just a start.

  4. I will be looking forward to the next 15 years.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Keep up your good work.

  6. Happy blogaversary! I'm the same way about blogging -- it's never a chore and I could never give it up. I'd say the state got a good deal if they only paid $150 for that victory figure! (According to an inflation calculator I found, that's equivalent to $5,500 today. Still not too bad!)

  7. Happy Anniversary! Keep up the great work, I enjoy reading your blog.

  8. Hurray for you, Sharon. I love reading your posts each day and reading the comments that you leave for me. Looking forward to many more years of Phoenix Daily!
    This shot of Victory is beautiful.

  9. Congratulations to 15 years blogging! I felt similar to what you felt with me returning to blogging 2nd time.

  10. https://media.kjzz.org/s3fs-public/styles/special_story_images_aspect_switcher/public/Courtesy%20of%20the%20artist,%20Russell%20Houston.JPG?itok=jpVivx2Z

  11. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I'm from New Jersey & couldn't think of another State with less in common than AZ - love the contrasts & your blog posts always teach me something new.
