Saturday, June 24, 2023

Spring Blooms


I took these photos back in March when I saw them growing in front of a house.  I thought they resembled roses but I was sure they weren't.  I wondered what they were.

So, I took these photos to remind me that I should investigate and see if I could figure out what they were.  However, the photos got filed away and I forgot about them.

Just a day or two ago, I saw the photos and decided it was time for that "investigation".  I found out they are called ranunculus and sometimes buttercups.  I don't recall ever seeing them growing in the Arizona climate before this. 

They are quite pretty and well worth sharing on the blog.  


  1. Those are spectacular. The plant didn't look like a rose, thank you for researching the answer.

  2. I have bought them in bouquets but never have seen them growing. They are beautiful, Sharon.

  3. Yes, Ranunculus, which is the buttercup family. I've only ever seen yellow ones so I didn't know they came in other colors.

  4. They almost don’t look real. Beautiful.
    Just checking to see if you are still there. Haven’t started blogging again. Just wanted to say hi.
    Janey …Thick and Thin

  5. Well photographed flower with fine texture

  6. Ranunculus are one of my favourite flowers. Great photos.
