Wednesday, June 14, 2023

High-Rise Living


Just one block north of the great, pink towers I featured yesterday is this building known as Regency House.  It's another high-rise residential building sitting just to the north of the Heard Museum.  This building was built in 1965, just eight years after the very first residential high-rise in Arizona was built.  This is a nice looking building but, I really do like the Phoenix Towers from yesterday's post the best.  

In this shot, you can see the light rail heading south on Central Avenue.  


  1. I do like living in a high rise.

  2. Yes, yesterday's building was much nicer, Sharon.

  3. A bit on the ugly side if you ask me.

  4. Yesterday's building was muh more attractive.

  5. This one is more functional than attractive, but I bet the apartments have amazing views!

  6. This building looks aged but has a style to it too

  7. People need somewhere to live I guess, we need more of those here, there is a major housing shortage.
