Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Call of the Woodpeckers


When I was walking at the Desert Botanical Garden, I kept hearing the call of the Gila Woodpeckers.  There seemed to be lots of them all over the garden.

One of them was even rat-a-tat-tatting on the top of a metal light cover.  It flew away before I could get a photo.  

These two to the right were chattering away on this cactus.  It made me wonder if there was a nest inside.

When I arrived home, I was surprised to hear the same call coming from the direction of the complex courtyard.  Sure enough, there was another woodpecker exploring the crevices on a palm tree.  It was a busy day for the woodpeckers.


  1. Hard at work. Nice coat of colours and patterns

  2. Nice collection of Gila Woodpeckers. I have never seen them in my neighborhood.

  3. Seeing with our ears first,

  4. I don't think that we have those ones here. The cactus spines must not bother them.

  5. The woodpeckers seem to be working hard at their craft. Great photos!

  6. That second one is definitely a new one.

  7. That cactus definitely looks like a probable nesting site!
