Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Tasty Cactus Blooms


When I was at the Desert Botanical Garden last weekend, I saw this little round-tailed ground squirrel feasting on a few of the cactus blooms.  

This little fellow was taking bites right out of the petals of the blooms.

I know the bees love the blooms but I didn't know the squirrels like to eat them too.  They must be pretty tasty.  


Andy said...

Oh my! I love you nature photos.

William Kendall said...

What a cutie pie.

Travel said...

He is looking right at the camera, great shots

RedPat said...

He looks like he is daring you to try to stop him, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

I guess when your only choices are spiny leaves or tender blossoms, the best option is obvious!

Bill said...

What an adorable creature, so very cute.

roentare said...

Gorgeous feel from this desert garden

Aimz said...

Hope he's got good teeth.

Gemel said...

How adorable is this little being.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

These guys are cute and fun to watch, but can really eat up your garden. Wonderful photos!