Friday, April 14, 2023

Native American Works of Art


Another place I visited last weekend was the Heard Museum.  Actually, it was the gift shop I visited after having lunch in the museum's cafe.  Whenever I visit the gift shop, I always make a stop in the Berlin Gallery where some very special works of art are found.  I always find beautiful things here, none of which I can afford.  However, I can admire them and snap a photo or two.

First up, is this lovely bronze sculpture by artist Doug Hyde.  

This playful stone sculpture is also by Doug Hyde.  This one is called "Flight of the Red Dragon Fly".

My favorite pieces from this visit were these two Katsina dolls.  They are by Lawrence Acadiz and they both share the name "Longhaired Maiden".  These are not your traditional katsina dolls.  these are much more modern and sleek.  I liked them very much.