Sunday, April 16, 2023

In the Pink!


There was an abundance of pink at the Desert Botanical Garden when I was there on Friday.  Starting with the Perry's pentstemon that is growing all over the garden.

Some tiny little pink blooms on top of a tiny little pincushion cactus.

The Pam's honeysuckle bush was blooming like crazy.

And this hedgehog cactus was putting on a grand display of pink blooms.

Everything is in the pink a the garden these days.


roentare said...

The cactus flowers are so cute and pretty

Andy said...

Wonderful... Eye Candy for sure!

Catarina said...

Beautiful pink!!!

Travel said...


RedPat said...

I really like those first ones with the really long name, Sharon.

Bill said...

The cactus flowers are beautiful.

Gardens at Waters East said...

Yes there is. pink I will agree! Thanks for sharing the photos. We. just started having our Spring flowers pop out of the ground and begin blooming - love it!

Gemel said...

Very pretty!

William Kendall said...

These are lovely.

Aimz said...

Lots of colour there, I can almost smell the honeysuckle, it's so sweet

The Happy Whisk said...

We have spring snow today - love seeing the pink!