Friday, March 24, 2023

Beautiful Skies


After leaving the Scottsdale Fine Art Expo, I noticed the sky was filled with lots of low-hanging clouds.  

Those clouds were so pretty, I had to find a place to pull over and take some photos.  We've had more rain and cloudy days than is normal for this time of year but it's still rare to see clouds in clusters like this.

Later that same day, I was heading into downtown Phoenix for dinner.  My friend David was driving which left me free to snap another photo of another interesting cloud formation hanging over the city.  The skies were putting on a great show that day and I'm glad I got to enjoy it. 


  1. Great collection of clouds. They really do like to show off.

  2. Great cloud photos. We often fail to look up.

  3. The clouds were giving you nice displays, Sharon.

  4. Super clouds display, they look great.

  5. That is not very common in your region, is it?

  6. Beautiful skies. I love days like this. It makes every photo you take look that much more interesting!

  7. Clouds can make the sky, and your photos.
