Thursday, February 9, 2023



Here are a few modes of transportation that caught my eye over the last week.  This first one is a strange looking motorcycle.  It looks very much like a very scary insect ready to sting if I get too close.

One of the many driverless cars that are now transporting passengers around town.  I haven't tried it yet but I'm thinking about it.  

Here's an older VW 'bug' that has been lovingly restored.  What a beautiful paint job and I love the white-walled tires.  Such a variety of ways to get around in the city.  


  1. My first choice would be the Volkswagen.
    The driverless car I do not trust.
    Back in my younger days I would love to ride the three wheel motorcycle.

  2. What a spectacular car. So classic

  3. That first one is a trike and quite common to see over here. Very fast

  4. Lots of the three wheelers in New Orleans this week. The next time I am in town, I need to take one of the driverless taxis just to say I have.

  5. That first vehicle DOES look very insectile!

  6. I'd pick the beetle. With all the hiccups that computers have I wouldn't trust the driverless car.

  7. I love that old VW. Fond memories! I haven't seen driverless cars in my city yet, but I do see the 3 wheeled motorcycles from time to time.

  8. The first one does look like a bug. I'll take the old bug, thank you. Driverless cars for me is a no go.
