Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Substance of Stars


There is a new exhibit at the Heard Museum called Substance of Stars and it explores the beliefs and histories of four indigenous communities, two from the southwest.  When you enter the room, you are greeted with this magnificent photo of the New Mexico rock formation called Ship Rock.  Have any of you seen this incredible monolith?  I've traveled by it several times.  It is truly awe inspiring day or night but I must say, this photo of it melded with images from the James Webb telescope is breathtaking.

On the next wall is this Navajo textile dated from the 1920's.  The artist's name has not been discovered.  It is an incredible piece of weaving representing Ship Rock.

This exhibit continues with a visit into a room called the sky dome where a magical film shows scenes from the four distinct indigenous communities on all four walls.  It is very calming to sit in the room and be engulfed in the surroundings.  It's like sitting in a forest and listening to birds and streams and leaves blowing in the breeze.   


  1. Someone did a great job with that first photo.

  2. Great work, places I need to spend more time

  3. Sounds like a great exhibit, Sharon.

  4. We have driven past Shiprock several times over the years and I could never figure out why it got that name. I don't think it looks anything like a ship.

  5. The artwork is magnificent. Looks like it would be a fantastic exhibit to see.

  6. I wanted to visit Shiprock when I was in New Mexico, but it was a long way from everything and we never got there! I love that weaving.
