Sunday, February 26, 2023

Desert Garden Scenes


I wanted to take a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden this weekend but the garden is closed this weekend for a special event.  So, I just looked through my photo archives and pulled out a few from my walk in January.  

The garden is hosting the Devour Culinary Classic this weekend.  I've gone to that before and enjoyed it but the tickets are frightfully expensive these days so I passed on the opportunity this time.  I'd rather spend the money on travel so that's exactly what I did. I bought tickets to go to Santa Fe New Mexico in May.

This is a Crested Wortleberry Cactus.

Here is a little corner at the garden with a splash of color for these winter months.  That bougainvillea really pops out next to the barrel cacti and the lemon tree behind it.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I found a hidden oasis.


  1. Nice mini tour. You are right about frightfully expensive ones.

  2. It is so nice to see green, Sharon. Everything is white here now.

  3. Good decision.
    I am planning to go back to Charlotte in May as well.

  4. The cacti are beautiful. We have a few that need to be transplanted in to a bigger pot asap.

  5. Beautiful, I'm a big cacti fan.

  6. Pretty sceneries with cacti theme

  7. I just checked the Devour Culinary website and saw that tickets were sold out last November!

  8. We had a small version of that Wortleberry cactus in our library until last year when the poor thing met its maker.
