Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Rain Is Needed


This photo pretty much sums up the weather this past week between Christmas and New Year.  It either rained or it was just overcast, extremely overcast.  I was hoping to have the week to get out and get some photos but the weather was not cooperating.  I don't want to complain because we can certainly use the rain but it would have been nice to have at least one sunny day.  

I took the photo above at the Phoenix Art Museum.  The courtyard at the museum looked rather pretty with a glazing of water.  Spending a gloomy day inside the art museum seemed like a smart thing to do.  I saw lots of new pieces of art and I saw some of my old favorites presented in a completely different context.  It made me appreciate the curators who are constantly putting together new ways to view the art.


  1. A bit too much wide-angle for my liking.

  2. The same here, only rain instaed of snow and ice.

  3. Lucky you Sharon. From my point of view in winter it makes me feel happy that spring will be here in a few months.

  4. Some days I walk in the rain, some days I just get wet. Great photo of the rain,

  5. This time of year, a museum or gallery are the perfect solution for the photographer.

  6. We have been having the same kind of weather here, Sharon. It is so dull outside but for us I'm sure there will be snow ahead.

  7. It's good to get rain when you need it, but it's not always good to be out IN it!

  8. We had our sunny day yesterday. Back to rain today. :(

  9. After the rain, the place looks pristine and washed
