Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Living Art


There was something about this little family group that made me think they looked like a piece of art. The way they were positioned looked to me like they might be posing for a painting.   I saw them when I was at the Phoenix Art Museum a week ago and I couldn't help getting a photo. 

I tried to think of an actual painting it resembled but this was the closest I could come.  It's a bit different with all women but it does have that same relaxed family look to it.

I decided to do some editing and turn this little group into an actual art piece.  Tomorrow I'll show you another scene at the art museum that inspired me.  


roentare said...

This is so artistic! Love your work!

Andy said...

That is amazing. Editing was the right thing to do,

Travel said...

The modern family portrait

William Kendall said...

That is well done!

RedPat said...

Such a lovely family portrait of them, Sharon.

Bill said...

Awesome editing, it looks great.

Steve Reed said...

I like the graininess of the first shot.

Roseann said...

I'd like to know ore about the pair of green shoes that are mounted on the right side of your photo.

Catalyst said...

Good eye.

Aimz said...

Amazing how many different types of art there are.

biebkriebels said...

Funny way to transform a photo, I like the artistic switch!

LuiZ FernandoS said...

They could be Edward Hopper models