Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Early Bloomers


When I was driving home from the Desert Botanical Garden last Sunday, I caught sight of this colorful yard on my way home and I immediately turned the corner to go back for a second look.

The yard was covered with the yellow and orange blooms of African Daisies.  I was surprised to see them.  They usually don't pop up until mid February.  I wonder if all the rain we have been getting prompted them to make an early appearance.  

Whatever the reason for the early start, they are a welcome sight to see.  It's been unseasonably cold here in the desert southwest this January so these little bursts of sunshine are sign of the warmth to come.  


roentare said...

They are indeed colourful and dazzling

biebkriebels said...

Nature is a bit confused......

Andy said...

Early... how lucky can you get?

William Kendall said...

Very cheerful.

Travel said...

Great colors, I need to remember to turn around and go back when I see something special

RedPat said...

A gorgeous sight, Sharon. We are supposed to get major snow here starting this afternoon.

Steve Reed said...

What a glorious sight for January! I was thinking it was a bit early for those!

Stefan Jansson said...

Great, I'm guessing it will be a while before I can shoot something similar!

Bill said...

What a colourful sight to see.

Gemel said...


Catalyst said...

It can't come any too soon.

Aimz said...

They are really cheerful when they bloom