Monday, January 23, 2023

A Portrait of Trader Joe


I found this new mural on the side of my local Trader Joe's store.  I always wondered what he looked like. I'd say he's quite eclectic driving that strange contraption.  It looks like he's headed for somewhere tropical.  There was no signature but I'm assuming it was commissioned by the store.  I think it's kind of cute and perfect for an equally eclectic store.  I wonder if it was painted during the pandemic.  I see that Joe is wearing a mask.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.


  1. Wow... the colours are fantastic. It is always disappointing when the artist does not leave their name.

  2. A very unusual but cute mural. Trader Joe's started operating in Perth in 2020. I don't have one near me but there is one not too far from my work and I've been there a couple of times.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

  3. It does look tropical and warm, Sharon.

  4. This mural looks warm and inviting, perfect for our winter months of cold and snow.

  5. The guy who created Trader Joe's published a book about the origins of the company, an interesting read.

  6. The real-life Trader Joe, Joe Coulombe, retired in 1988 and passed away in 2020. Still a great store and a sweet mural though.

  7. Beautiful mural and nice colours.

  8. Sorry to be late visiting. My internet (and phone) have been out due to the storm that ravaged my area.

    Reminds me of steampunk. A bit like their paper bags. LOVE it.
