Thursday, January 12, 2023

A New Perspective


A few days ago I mentioned how impressed I was with the way the curators at the Phoenix Art Museum move different piece around to give it a totally different perspective.  Here is one that has recently been moved.

Cornelia Parker's piece called "Mass (Colder, Darker, Matter)" has been located in its own little corner on the third floor for many years.  Now it is on display on the first floor right in the middle of the gallery.  Now visitors can walk all the way around it and examine all those floating bits of charred wood.  

Behind it you can see another work by Geny Dignac called "Drawing With Fire".  Charred wood and playing with fire, they go together rather well.

I love going to the museum and seeing familiar pieces in a totally different light.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Clever thinking moving the art after a few years.

Andy said...

Moving the items around is the right thing to. It works for me when my wife asks me to rearrange the furniture.

roentare said...

Quite a sight. Love the creativity

William Kendall said...

That is quite a sight to see.

Steve Reed said...

I can see how being able to walk all the way around it would give an added perspective.

Travel said...

Museums and galleries need many creative visionary minds.

RedPat said...

Those pieces really speak to each other and you photographed them well, Sharon.

Bill said...

That's a nice move, they work well with each other.

Aimz said...

Thats freaky - it kind of reminds me of walking through chocolate chips or dirt.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What a strange and interesting art piece. Yes, perspective makes a huge impact.