Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A New Event for Members


The Heard Museum recently started a once a month Member's Bagel Breakfast.  I've attended the first two events where one of the curators provides detailed information about specific pieces in the collection.  The event this last Saturday morning featured the pictorial weavings of Sadie Begay.  

The one on the top is about Noah's Ark while the one to the right tells the story of Jonah and the whale. 

It was fascinating hearing stories about the artist who is now 86 years old and has been weaving since she was 5 years old.  

One thing that hadn't occurred to me is that these are woven from the bottom up, so she would have started this large piece from the end of the story and worked her way up.  

In addition to the two pieces displayed at the event, they presented a slide show with pictures of more of Sadie's weavings.  The one is this slide shows Noah's Ark after it landed on dry land.  I'm enjoying these events very much, it's a great way to get to know other members and to learn interesting facts about items in the museum's collection.  


roentare said...

Very delicate and crafty

Andy said...

Anyone who can create art like this should be exceptionally proud.

Travel said...

Amazing work, a museum I should see

William Kendall said...

Impressive work

RedPat said...

These are wonderful, Sharon. They look like they would be so difficult to do.

Steve Reed said...

It IS interesting to think she essentially has to weave the story backwards. I recognized the top one as Noah's Ark right away!

Bill said...

Beautiful works of art. The detail is impressive.

Catalyst said...

Amazing work.

Aimz said...

I think people who weave are very clever in more ways than one, I'm just simply not that patient.