Saturday, December 17, 2022

Over-the-Top Decorations


I stopped at the house that goes overboard with the Christmas decorations.  I hadn't seen the place for two years so I was curious if they were still putting all this stuff up.  It really must drive their neighbors crazy with all the traffic this place attracts.

The picture above is looking in one of the windows of the house.  Every window had some kind of display in it.  I don't know how anyone could actually live in the house while all these decorations are up.  

To the right is a closer look at the yard in front of the house.

I can't imagine going to all this work.  


  1. Energy costs are through the roof around Europe. Everyone trying their best to save money, this sort of thing is the first to go.

  2. I have to admit, that would be reason enough for me to move away.

  3. I agree with William, I would move away too.

  4. Once you get started, where do you stop. A bit much for me.

  5. Amazing. I wouldn't want to be living next door either.

  6. It does look nice but I wouldn't want to live on that street and have to deak with the crowds.

  7. There's a house like this right down the street from my brother. People come from miles around to see it. I can't imagine going to all that work, or having to store all that stuff the rest of the year. They must have multiple storage units!

  8. Still looking so cheery! Love the vibe
