Friday, October 14, 2022

The Blacksmith


Old Town Scottsdale is full of lots of shops and restaurants and galleries but, there are also some historic buildings in the area too.  One of them is the old blacksmith's shop.  The building is an old adobe building and it still houses an active blacksmith.

Most of the work that is done at Cavalier's Blacksmith Shop is decorative ironwork but there was a time back around 1900, when wagon wheels and horse shoes came out of this shop.

The building is always fun to see when I'm exploring old town Scottsdale.  Once or twice I've actually seen those doors open and people working inside.


  1. Pretty cool to have a real blacksmith. I'm sure we have them too but they probably look much more industrial!

  2. A great rustic look to the facades

  3. It is always interesting to watch the Blacksmith do his work.

  4. Nice shop, triggering memories

  5. How wonderful that there is still an active blacksmith shop right in town.

  6. A very different and interesting building.

  7. Blacksmiths are not common in lots of places. It is nice that this town still has an active one that probably makes lots of different items for the town and his customers.

  8. There is a thing, when I was 15 I worked for a blacksmith
