Friday, October 21, 2022

Exploring Old Town


When I'm looking for inspiration for new photos, I sometimes wander around old town Scottsdale looking for interesting things to photograph.  One place that always seems to have something worth photographing is Bischoff's Gallery.  It's a beautiful building surrounded by a garden full of sculptures and plants.  

Hanging on the side of the building is the huge ram's skull that I've photographed many times before.  It's in an awkward spot for getting a good shot but the last time I photographed it I was able to line it up petty well.

This is one place I return to often to see what might inspire me to press the shutter.  


Andy said...

Nice place but it was the Ram's skull got my attention.

William Kendall said...

The ram's skull is unexpected.

RedPat said...

I'm not surprised that you head back there regularly, Sharon.

Travel said...

Love places like that, always something to inspire me.

Bill said...

There's always something different to photograph at a place you like.

Aimz said...

The rams skull is not something I see everyday on houses but it suits where it is there.

Gemel said...

A lovely tour.

roentare said...

Such an interesting design with that ram head

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I've been to old town Scottsdale once and really enjoyed it. Lots to do and see!

Steve Reed said...

That ram's skull is very Georgia O'Keeffe.