Thursday, September 1, 2022

Theme Day: My Superpower


It's the first of the month and time for a "theme day" and today's chosen theme is "My Superpower."  Wow, that's a tough one.  I'm not sure I really have a superpower but I do know what I'm good at and one of those things is a sense of direction.  My sense of direction is excellent.  I rarely get lost.  I'm also a great map reader.  In fact, I love maps.  If I'm visiting someplace new, the first thing I do is get a map. If I have a map, I'm all set.  I'll be able to find anything I want.

To see other superpowers, click here.


William Kendall said...

I have a pretty good inner compass.

Stefan Jansson said...

That sounds great. I am the opposite of that. I can get lost anywhere, just like that. But sometimes when that happens I find something new!

Travel said...

Oh the disagreements we have had over someone being a good navigator. It is as much about knowing where you are going, as where you are.

RedPat said...

That is a good one. I am like you - I love a map and rarely get lost. We could go exploring and never not know where we are, Sharon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I have a good memory if that counts, well at least it used to be. I love reading maps as well so how do you get with our Ordnance Survey (OS) maps in the UK

Steve Reed said...

I am exactly the same way. If I see a map I generally know where I need to go. I've had a good sense of direction my whole life, and I think part of it comes from reading and enjoying maps from a very young age.

Jim said...

Excellent choice for theme day.

Aimz said...

Except now we have google maps but I remember as a kid having the paper maps like the one in your photo, sometimes they were hard to follow.

Gemel said...

Good direction is a super power.

roentare said...

What a clever post. You would have a very good functioning parietal lobe and prefrontal cortex for the excellent orientation skill. A beautiful capture fitting for the theme!

Bob Crowe said...

I admire you. It's a talent I used to have that has atrophied. There was a day I was full of pride when we drove into Vancouver from the south and I got us to the north side, across the river, from memory. Now I plug my phone into the car's USB port and go wherever Google Maps sends me.

Linda said...

I’m pretty good with the map and a failure with GPS. Last week my GPS took me an hour out-of-the-way before I realized I had told it a year ago to avoid toll roads and had never reset it. This isn’t a problem in Virginia but I was visiting Pennsylvania.