Thursday, September 15, 2022

Scaly Characters

 I've been paying a lot of attention to my feathered friends lately so I thought I should also pay tribute to some of my scaly friends.  The fellow was hanging on the side of a tree.  Is he sticking his tongue out at me?

This fellow was kind enough to pose for me.  He looks like he has a big smile on his face.

This one is climbing the fence protecting some plants.  Lizards might not be as pretty as some of the birds but they are still an entertaining bunch of critters.


Andy said...

Fantastic photos. Sharon your friends should be in movies.

roentare said...

This is gorgeous looking lizard.

biebkriebels said...

Such beautiful photos again!

Travel said...

Cute, textured, colorful, but they creep me out.

RedPat said...

These are great shots, Sharon. What a texture.

Catarina said...

They creep me out too. :)

Steve Reed said...

I think they're quite pretty! I love their blue chins.

William Kendall said...

Hello beasties!

Gemel said...

What beauties!

Aimz said...

a very cool looking fellow, we mostly get the little tiny skinks in suburban gardens here