Monday, September 12, 2022

Sunday Morning Skies


When I got up Sunday morning, I noticed lots of small clouds out the window.  I took a look at the eastern view and caught a shot of the sun coming up just behind Camelback Mountain and lots of little clouds above.

Turing to the view looking north, the sky was full of little puffs of clouds.  It looks like someone tossed a bag full of cotton balls up into the air.  

From a photographer's point of view, it's an irresistible sky!


  1. Oh my goodness! All so perfect that it does seem surreal, The light is astonishing! Your gift of seeing, really seeing and capturing- is quite incredible! Amazing artistry. Fresh!!

  2. Holy Toledo... what a beautiful sight!

  3. I have learned to appreciate clouds for many years, starting as a child. They are "alive" constantly changing and ever moving. Great photos from Sunday morning.

  4. They look like big cotton balls high up in the sky.
