Thursday, September 8, 2022

Observing the Birds


I've picked out some more photos of birds that I've taken at the Desert Botanical Garden over the years.  This one is a Gila Woodpecker.  I framed this shot through the arms of a Saguaro skeleton.  

There is a large group of Peach-Faced Lovebirds that hang out at the garden too.  They aren't always around but I've noticed that they love to pick out the seeds of some blooming plants.  

This mockingbird has found a tall cactus to use as a good observation point.  

I also enjoy watching the cute little house finches when they play around in the water.  They look like they are blushing.  

We are still in the middle of an unseasonable heat wave so no walks at the garden yet.  We are due for a slight cool-down this weekend.  I'm hopeful that the weather reporters are right.


  1. The second photo is great, love all the colors.

  2. Sharon you bird photography is awesome. I am hoping to see more.

  3. Amazing birds, lots of patience and a long lens.

  4. Great shots, Sharon. Especially the Lovebird.

  5. WOW! All prize winners, museum worthy shots! Fabulous!!!The gal's got skills!!!

  6. One of my favourite pastimes. Great photos.
