Saturday, September 3, 2022

Birds, Birds, Birds


I was sorting through some photos last week and came across a variety of photos of birds from my many years walking at the Desert Botanical Garden.  This first one is one of my favorites, a cactus wren appropriately enough, sitting on top of a cactus.

And here is a speedy roadrunner.  They are always fun to watch.

Here is a verdin.  These fellows are hard to photograph because they rarely sit still.  Even when they are in one place for a while they seem to be constantly moving about.

This is a curve-billed thrasher who appears to eyeing the cactus fruit.

This is from a rare sighting of a great horned owl.  These owls stay pretty well hidden so I only see them on rare occasions.

It's still too hot to walk at the garden.  I'm looking forward to when I can do that again.


  1. You captured some very beautiful bird photos!

  2. Some nice bird shots here, I especially like the roadrunner.

  3. Great bird shots, Owls are amazing and hard to spot

  4. I like the roadrunner too. Beep, beep. (I couldn't resist)

  5. Great shots, especially of the owl. I think my fave is the thrasher eyeing the cactus fruit. You can tell he's thinking about it.

  6. The owl is impressive.

    The roadrunner should be wary of coyotes with Acme on their speed dial.

  7. They are outstanding shots! Great photos!
