Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Scottsdale Museum of the West


I've posted many photos from this museum before but I've never featured the outside of the building before.  During the pandemic when everything was closed, I wandered around the outside of this building photographing the sculptures that are outside the museum.  I featured that "cowboy" in front of the museum in one of those posts.

Tomorrow, I'll show you some of the other sculptures that live just outside this museum.  


  1. Very unusual and rather appealing.

  2. Looks like a interesting place to explore... but the cowboy did catch my eye.

  3. That looks perfect for a museum of the west, Sharon.

  4. It's an interesting building -- looks like it was built from materials salvaged from an old ghost town.

  5. That exterior is outstanding, Sharon. It is very "west" feel to it.
